
Technology Freedom?

February  2012 / 28 No Comments

Technology has given us the freedom to be virtually anywhere in the world and still be able to communicate with anyone else in the world with two senses: both hearing and seeing. Communication freedom one could say! Unfortunately, such communication freedom has also caused us to be inundated with work wherever we go, whenever we go and at every possible moment. Technology freedom? – not so ideal…

Fortunately, Volkswagen have done something to favour the work life balance. Something which I hope will start a revolution of companies following suit. Volkswagen have allowed their employees to escape their working world by stopping the email server for their employees when they not on shift. Full details here. Once again an employee can enjoy piece from work when not on shift – well accept from any company accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook which they might manage.

Well I guess, with such a technological world making entrepreneurship so easy – there has to be something good about working for a company. But if you love your work, like entrepreneurs do, then constant communications through email, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are more of a pleasure than an hassle. remember they are all social platforms – sociability being another trait of entrepreneurs.
